NDVH | “After the Call”


Production Company: Castleview Productions

Executive Producer: Heather Mansfield Jernigan

Producer: Dwight Fisher

Director: Morgan Bond

DP: Bex Rodriguez

Editor: Nickolas Grisham

This is a super important one for us. Castleview Productions asked us to come on board to direct and edit this spot for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, headquartered in Austin, TX. They wanted to particularly honor women by having a female Director-DP duo, Morgan & close friend/dope lady, Bex Rodriguez. Castleview came to us with a high-level overview concept and rough script showing the stages of recovery in a creative way. Specifically, reverse chronological order. We were immediately excited about the idea. We elaborated on the script and played our track in reverse to sell the effect.

We held callbacks at Casteview’s studio and man, oh man, the talent we saw! Definitely some of Austin’s finest performers showed up. While holding callbacks for the role of Rose’s daughter, we were completely smitten with a wee young gal named Vivian. Not only did she act out the scene with an expertise beyond her years but, on the spot, she came up with the name ‘Toby’ for her little unicorn stuffed animal. She was given the role and Toby was brought on board, written into the script, and given a great role in the production.

The screening of this spot begins its four city tour on March 1st in Austin with a showing at the Alamo Draft House followed by a panel conversation on domestic violence in entertainment and media. We have it on good authority that this video has been seen by The White House and Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine production team.

Check out this BTS video of Morgan breaking the plate!

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